On a recent lovely August afternoon at Camp Emmaus, the junior high
campers were spending their time either tie-dying shirts, “creek
stomping”, or swimming in the pool. The beautiful pool lies under a
canopy of oaks and creates a plus for the camping season. Swimming
disappeared all last summer as the pool was under renovation along with
the filter house.
Patrick, the lifeguard, shared that all the campers enjoy the early
Polar Bear and afternoon swims and the new pool basketball hoop.
Comments heard from campers like Jason, Noah, Reid, Avery and Tyler was
“amazing’, “great for hot days”, “better than last year”, “feels great
when it’s hot out”, and “pretty awesome”, show their appreciation. The
pool opens for public and open swims on Sunday afternoons and for camps
held the rest of the season.
Having a workable recreational water facility
contributes a very important part of any camping
program and promotes the programs of Camp
Emmaus to local Church of the Brethren
congregations and other nearby Churches.
Contributions to retire the $60,000+ balance of the
pool renovation cost are greatly appreciated.
Thanks to the various local congregations who
helped with the annual clean up of the grounds and
buildings prior to the camping season. We couldn’t
do it without you.
The Annual Camp Appreciation Dinner will be held
on Saturday, September 1 at 5:30 PM in the lodge.
There will be no charge for this evening of great
food, entertainment and an opportunity to visit with
others who support the camp in so many ways. Fill a
car(s) with folks from your congregation and join us.